Embracing Homeschool Transitions
In every corridor of our homeschool journey, we will have transitions to make. From the time we begin the journey when our children may still be in diapers until they graduate from high school and at every stop in-between we will have transitions to face and decisions to make. This question and answer workshop will give you the opportunity to ask those questions that are burning on your heart, no matter where you are or how far you have come in your journey.
About Cindy
Cindy Nicolai and her husband, Fred, of Geary, OK have homeschooled their three children since 1995. They live on and farm the land Fred's great-grandparents homesteaded in 1893. Cindy started and served as leader of their local homeschool support group and co-op for eight years, stepping down this past May. Cindy began coordinating the Future Statesman Program in 2005 and in 2006 she and Fred joined the OHCEC board as Trustees. Cindy is the coordinator for the Oklahoma Home Educators' Capitol Day which takes place each February as well as the support group liaison for OCHEC. She travels throughout the state offering "You Can Homeschool" seminars, High School workshops, and aids leaders in starting new support groups. Cindy is thrilled any time she can go to different groups to offer support and encouragement.
In my own strength, I am nothing. I have nothing to offer outside of Him. He has given me a love for His people and a passion for encouraging homeschool families. The Lord is truly my strength and my song and I sing for Him every chance I get. It is amazing to see what He can do in the lives of those that submit to and trust in Him.